Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Sugar is Sweet, and Food Allergies Can Be Sweet Too


Ah, Valentine’s Day. For some, this day provides a great excuse to press pause on the stressors of life and take time to celebrate the ones you love. For those with food allergies and intolerances, however, this day can bring about a lot of anxiety. 

If you’re a food allergy parent like me, here’s what probably goes through your head: Will my child be given a valentine that contains their allergen? What will be served at school? Will they feel comfortable speaking up to ensure the treat is safe? Why does this holiday have to center around food?!

If you are celebrating Valentine’s Day as a food-allergic adult, it can be just as stressful. Valentine’s Day often comes in the form of chocolates, or a splurge on a nice dinner and dessert (in our house that means sushi)!

We get it guys. This holiday can be hard. That’s why we’ve teamed up with our friend chef Ming Tsai to bring you a homemade sweet treat this Valentine’s Day. 

Easy? Check. Healthy? Check. Top eight allergen free AND gluten free AND sesame free? Check check check. 

Here’s Chef Tsai’s recipe for Strawberry Coconut Sorbet (note: this recipe contains coconut). 

Strawberry Coconut Sorbet (serves 2)

- 1/2 cup frozen strawberries

- 1/2 cup coconut milk

- 1/4 teaspoon lemon zest

- 2 tablespoons unsweetened coconut flakes

Add strawberries, coconut milk, and zest to a blender and blend until just smooth. Serve immediately and garnish with coconut flakes or cacao nibs (or whatever your heart desires 😍).  

Enjoy friends!


- Meg and the Allergy Amulet Team